Will Unicron Be The Real Villain in TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT?
Art by Clinto Felker
Michael Bay is at it again with another installment in the Transformers franchise with Transformers: The Last Knight. This may elicit moans from some and cheers from others. Personally, I am on the fence. Right now Bay is at a solid 50% with me. In my opinion, the first Transformers and Age of Extinction are the only two movies of the franchise that are worth seeing. I am, however, intrigued by this newest addition because if I am reading the signs right, we are going to see the greatest villain in Transformers history, Unicron!
I know that it was announced that Megatron is coming back to try his hand at taking down Optimus Prime. The interesting thing is that the image that they are showing is back to the original version of Megatron. How is that possible? When we last saw him he was in Galvatron form. Who or what could have restored him to his original stature? For the answer, let us go back to the original animated Transformers movie.
The Transformers Movie was an animated movie that is probably still the best Transformers movie that has been made to this date. All I have to say to support that statement is, “You’ve got the touch! You’ve got the power!” The story was solid ,and we were introduced to one of the Autobots' most powerful foes, Unicron (voiced by Orson Freaking Wells). Unicron was unlike any robot we had seen. He was the size of a planet, which is literally what he transformed into, and he also had the power to heal/strengthen those around him. The only way I can see Megatron coming back stronger than ever is if he meets up with Unicron while he is floating around space.
Unicron has made his way into Transformers canon, but The Movie was his first outing and probably his best. This draws out a bigger question, though, are they going to follow the storyline from The Movie? If so, is this going to be the end of some of our favorite characters, Autobot and Decepticon alike? Will we see Rodimus Prime? This is complete speculation, but one can dream. It would definitely shake the franchise up.
Here's the scene from The Movie that features Unicron turning Megatron into Galvatron.