Wizards of the Coast And Extra Life Join Forces To Raise Money For Sick Kids

Wizards of the Coast is teaming up with Extra Life and the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals with a new fundraiser featuring children designed Magic: The Gathering cards. In order to help raise money for research, equipment, and life saving services for kids around the country, Secret Lair is offering 4 unique Magic cards designed by children who were former patients of Seattle Children’s.

The cards have been rendered by professional artists to showcase the children’s original creations which include: Lathiss the Dragon Queen, Birds of Paradise, Silver Legion, and a secret card. Each purchase will have 50% of the price go to Extra Life and the Seattle Children’s Autism Center.

For those who play Magic: The Gathering Arena, four sleeves featuring the new cards will be on sale with all the proceeds going to Extra Life. Influencers who sign up to be part of the Wizards Extra Life Superteam and raise at least $100 will receive two special card codes to give out to their community.

There will also be some Dungeons & Dragons merchandise available. Flap Jack the flumph from the recent Spelljammer release will appear on D&D themed Extra Life t-shirts and as a familiar in Codename Entertainment’s Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms digital game.

These all sound like fun and unique things to get while supporting a great cause. You can find all the donation information on the Wizards of the Coast Extra Life 2022 page.

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