Wolverine is Returning to Marvel Comics and He's Got a New Look!

Wolverine is making his big return to Marvel Comics in the upcoming comic Return of Wolverine and the publisher has debuted the classic character's new look on a comic book cover! As you can see, he's sporting a very different kind of outfit. 

The new outfit was designed by artist Declan Shalvey, who will join Charles Soule in working on Return of Wolverine #2-4. Soule had this to say about working with Shalvey in a statement:

"I've wanted to work with Declan Shalvey forever—you can ask him! I've talked to him a million times about telling a story together. The timing's never worked out, until now, for Return of Wolverine, and I think it's great he's come aboard. He did a new design for one of Logan's outfits in the story that I love, and he'll get to choreograph a massive battle sequence with the X-Men, too. Declan's wonderful, and he'll do a hell of a job.”

Shalvey then had this to say in a statement:

"I'm really excited to be part of this story and getting the chance to work with Charles and the absolute legend that is Laura Martin. I've always dreamed of drawing a Wolverine book someday, but never thought I'd get to be part of such an important Wolverine epic, not on a project on this level. I'm very humbled that the team at Marvel would consider having me be a part of all this. The scripts are really interesting and I'm curious to see how Charles' plans will develop. The book has been a blast to draw so far, I've never drawn so many claws in one book before! I hope everyone likes my take on all the characters as I have very big Steve McNiven shoes to fill. No pressure!"

Editor Jordan D. White adds:

“We’ve been building up to Logan’s return for so long, we’re excited to finally be able to get the story out to you all! Declan is an incredible addition to the team, with incredible graphic storytelling skills and nuanced, moody art—we know he is going to go down as a modern day master of the Wolverine. When I spoke to Steve and Charles about the possibility of bringing him in, they were both very excited for what he would bring to the story.”

Steve McNiven provided the art for the first issue of Return of Wolverine and he will return for the fifth and final issue of the limited series.

What do you all think of Wolverine’s new look?

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