Wonderful Video Essay Analyzes The Films of Edgar Wright and How His Protagonists Connect with Audiences

I've got a fantastic little video essay here for you to watch from Karsten Runquist that does a great job analyzing the films of Edgar Wright. The main focus of the video centers on the protagonists in his stories and how they connect with the audience. The video looks at films such as Baby DriverHot FuzzScott Pilgrim vs. the World, and Shawn of the Dead. Here's an execerpt:

"What makes Wright’s main characters feel so relatable and likable is the misunderstanding coming from those around them in the story. …Edgar Wright keeps in mind that every scene deserves full attention, because every scene is its own thing. When every scene is its own thing and the audience member is fully invested in what they’re watching, of course the feeling of connectivity between us and our protagonists is going to feel just that much stronger."

if you're a fan of Edgar Wright's work then this is a video that you'll really appreciate. It brings up some great points that you can't really deny. Wright is one of the best filmmakers working today. He always makes great films that entertain the hell out of audiences. I can't wait to see what Wright ends up doing next!

A video essay on one of my favorite directors, Edgar Wright, and how he perfectfully crafts some of the most memorable protagonists in modern film.

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