Work on The ANIMANIACS Reboot has Begun with a Storyboard Art Tease

Animaniacs was one of my favorite shows as a kid. I didn’t understand the majority of the jokes, but I still had a grand old time watching the comedic hijinks that ensued. Imagine my excitement when Hulu announced a reboot! I could finally understand the jokes, my kids could have a great show to rot their brains, and just imagine the possibilities of what they’ll do now that we have the Internet. Sadly, since the announcement, not much has been revealed about the show. We now have a small update as artist Karl Hadrika took to Twitter to announce that they’ve begun the storyboarding process.

Are you excited for the Warner brothers and Warner sister to return? I know a lot of us are sick of reboots and sequels, but then they do something like this and you can’t help but go, “Fine, but this is the last one!”

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