WORLD WAR Z 2 Will Start With a "Clean Slate"

World War Z was a surprise hit in the summer of 2013. It did incredibly well commercially and critically, even after going through multiple reshoots and replacing the entire third act that was left on the cutting room floor. We've reported in the past that a sequel is coming, and now we have a bit of an update from the screenwriter Steven Knight (Eastern Promises, Locke).

Knight spoke with Thompson on Hollywood and revealed an interesting direction for World War Z 2.

"I thought, 'why not? What fun.' It’s not quite like the other, we're starting with clean slate. When they've signed off we're on."

The sequel is expected to be released in October of 2016, but it's that "clean slate" comment that has us a little confused. What the hell that exactly means, I'm not so sure. Brad Pitt is coming back, so it can't be a complete redo. Also this is very much a sequel so they may restructure the story so it's more in line with the phenomenal book. I'd love to see more of those scenes explored on film since we only got a handful in the first. Regardless, I have faith in the project - Knight is a great screenwriter whom I believe will do the story justice. 

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