You Can Catch, Train, and Digi-Convert Over 300 Digital Monsters in DIGIMON STORY CYBER SLEUTH: COMPLETE EDITION

In roughly one month, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition will be released on Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. One of the fun features of the game is that you can capture Digimon and raise them to use in your adventures. Players will have over 300 Digimon to choose from for their teams. You can feed your Digimon to help build bonds with them and help them grow. Different Digimon will even give different bonuses to your team if made leader.

With over 300 Digimon in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition, Digi-fans will be able to collect their favorite Digimon, raise them, train them, and battle with them! Scan and capture new Digimon and have them join your party on your Digi-adventure or raise your Digimon on your Digi-farm. Players can decorate their Digi-farms to keep their Digimon happy and interact with their favorite Digimon to improve their stats and bond with them! With over 80 hours of gameplay, mystery solving, and Digi-raising, players will have the ultimate Digi-adventure with Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition!

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition will be available on October 18.

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