You'll Never Watch TV The Same Way Again After Watching This Video Essay
What started as a slight annoyance has turned into a full-fledged obsession for TV critic Myles McNutt, who started a hashtag called #EmptyCupAwards in 2014 when he noticed a few actors doing a terrible job of convincingly acting as if their characters' coffee cups were full of liquid. I feel his pain — I've noticed this kind of thing for years as well, but he had the ambition to team up with Slate and create a whole video essay about it. I'm sure a lot of you are going to complain in the comments about how the entire concept of this video is nitpicky, but if this video makes an impact on just a handful of actors and convinces them to step up their cup game, it'll all be worth it. Also: apologies for those of you who will now never be able to watch TV the same way again after seeing this. I know if I saw this video without having noticed the coffee cup problem before, I would notice it every single time moving forward. Check it out: