YOUNG JUSTICE Season 3 Character Designs Revealed with a New Mysterious Character
A whole boatload of new character designs have been revealed for Young Justice season 3. While some of these are fan favorite characters, who many people have been excited to see for awhile, there was also one mysterious character that has left many fans wondering who it is.
The line-up for the team includes Static, Kid Flash, Robin, Wonder Girl, Spoiler, Blue Beetle, Thirteen, Arrowette, Arsenal, and Beast Boy.
There are some characters who have grown a bit since their initial appearance in the series, which is pretty cool. As many people know, there was a time jump in the storyline from Season 1 to Season 2, so some things had to change. As you'd imagine, that's also the case with Season 3. In the new season, Stephanie Brown has become Spoiler and the little girl that Artemis saved in Season 2 has become a hero in her own right with the name of Arrowette.
Everyone is a well known DC hero who has appeared in the past except one. The mysterious character known as Thirteen. Her outfit looks more along the lines of a special ops team. There was very little said about who she is and what her role is in the new season.
Also shown were the original team in their own special ops type of uniforms. Gone are the bright colored outfits of old. The team definitely looks more like a military unit than a bunch of kids playing hero. This new season could have a lot of awesome things in store for us. I can't wait to see it!
Artemis, Nightwing, Aqualad, Superboy