YouTuber Is Writing Songs About Pokemon and He Started with Bulbasaur

The YouTuber Il Neige has started a new series on his channel called Rock that Pokemon where he seemingly will be writing songs about Pokemon. His first video is about Bulbasaur and has a ska feel to it. It’s also surprisingly motivational. The song talks about even though you, like Bulbasaur, may not be the most popular, that shouldn’t get you down. It’s very creative and worth a listen. Now go tell him what other Pokemon to write songs about.

My new songwriting series "Rock that Pokemon" kicks off, quite fittingly, with Bulbasaur: #01 in the Pokedex, and my very first starter. He may not be the most popular, but he'll always be one of my favorites. If there's another Pokemon you'd like me to write a song about, say so in the comments.

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