YU-GI-OH! LEGACY OF THE DUELIST: LINK EVOLUTION Will be the First YU-GI-OH! Game to Get a T Rating
I’m ridiculously excited for Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution to release on Nintendo Switch. It’s nothing more than being able to play my favorite trading card game, but sometimes that’s all I need. There’s an interesting piece of news though from the ESRB. They have decided to rate Link Evolution T for Teen. This is the first time in the franchise’s history as all previous titles have gotten an E for E10+ rating from the ESRB, so why the change? Well, here’s the full summary from the ESRB website:
“This is a strategy game in which players engage in turn-based card battles on a grid-like board. Players take turns selecting cards that represent magical creatures with special attacks (e.g., fireballs, energy bursts, lightning strikes). Some cards show characters getting bitten, slashed with blades, or struck by arrows. A handful of cards depict small blood drips or splatters. Some cards contain suggestive material/nudity: a human-like character with her breast exposed (no discernible detail); creatures with exposed buttocks; characters wearing low-cut tops that expose moderate amounts of cleavage.”
This makes me raise an eyebrow as the English versions of the cards tend to get censored pretty heavily which is why I have a hard time believing we’ll get partial nudity. This summary also makes me wonder if we’re getting the uncensored OCG artwork worldwide, or maybe the ESRB made the rating based on the Japanese version. Either way, I’m a little lost at how this happened. What are your thoughts on this matter?
As a bonus, I found some screenshots from DualShockers for the Japanese release of the game. Link Evolution will release on Nintendo Switch in Japan on April 25, 2019, and in Western countries this summer. Are you excited for this game like I am?