Zack Snyder Confirms His Cut of JUSTICE LEAGUE is Not Canon For Warner Bros.
It seems like a lot of DC fans have been looking for clarification on where Zack Snyder’s Justice League stands in the DCEU. Is it canon? Will it override Joss Whedon’s version of the film? The answer is no.
Snyder confirmed in a recent interview with the DC Cinematic Cast that his four-hour cut of the film is not canon for Warner Bros, Whedon’s film will hold on to that spot. When specifically asked about this, the filmmaker replied:
"It'll be an interesting. It's interesting, sort of in the DCEU, or whatever it's become, that that trilogy (comprised of Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, Justice League) sort of insulates itself in some ways it becomes, like, it's its own thing now. And it doesn't really rely on, you know... And I said, I famously said, and it's true, this is not saying anything, this isn't controversial... But you know, Warner Bros, is it, that this film, my Justice League, is not canon, right? Canon for Warner Bros. is the Joss Whedon version of Justice League, right? That's, in their mind, that's canon. And what I'm doing is not. Everything is not. So it's just an interesting, that relationship. And I'm fine with it because I feel like the only way that I could have made this film with autonomy was because of that, because of me admitting and agreeing to the fact that it is not canon."
That might disappoint some fans, and Snyder understands that frustration. He goes on to say:
"I understand the frustration... If someone was frustrated by that concept, I wouldn't say don't be frustrated by it. It's fine to be frustrated by it, I'm frustrated by it. So I would only say, though, that there is a different... The grander, greater concept for the DCEU is on another road... And there's nothing I can do about that. That is just, it is what it is. It's not my decision.”
Warner Bros. has moved on with their DC movie plans. They made a big push to distance themselves from what Zack Snyder was doing with the franchise and the DCEU has evolved into something very different than what Snyder originally envisioned. The studio has been on this path since Whedon’s Justice League was released, and they aren’t going to revamp anything based on the upcoming Snyder Cut. It can always be canon in the minds of the fans, though!
Zack Snyder's Justice League hits HBO Max on March 18th.
Via The Direct