Zack Snyder Would Have Introduced a New Batman in JUSTICE LEAGUE 3


Since we’ll never see Zack Snyder complete the Justice League trilogy he initially set out to make, he’s freely talking about his plans for the two sequences. He previously revealed that he was going to bring the New Gods into Justice League 3, and now he’s saying that he was going to introduce a new Batman in that third film.

While talking with Vanity Fair, Snyder shared his plans for how he was going to introduce this new Batman:

“It was going to be Lois and Superman’s son. He doesn’t have any powers, and then he was going to end up being the new Batman.”

Snyder planted this seed for the potential child between Clark Kent and Lois Lane in the new cut of Justice League that was recently released. Snyder goes on to reveal that the boy would have grown up to take on the mantle of Batman after Bruce Wayne dies:

“Twenty years later, on the anniversary of [Batman’s] death, they take young Bruce Kent down to the Batcave and they say, ‘Your Uncle Bruce would’ve been proud if you did this.’ Anyway, something like that.”

Snyder definitely had some interesting plans for the DC universe and after watching his cut of Justice League, I actually would have liked to see his full vision for these films play out.

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