Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid is a tabletop game that will be released later this year. It was funded via Kickstarter, raising enough money to unlock 27 stretch goals. There were also a number of expansions planned including Shattered Grid which would add the Hyperforce Rangers, Ranger Slayer, and Lord Drakkon among other features. Well, now there’s a new expansion that has been announced. Backers were able to vote on which team would join the game and with 400 out of 2000 votes, the winner was Power Rangers Zeo. Not much is known outside of the fact that the 5 core rangers will be included. I’m hoping that Jason is also included as Zeo Gold (one of the coolest Rangers ever!) and I’m sure we’ll also get some monsters from the Machine Empire.

In addition to the announcement of Zeo winning, some new art for the game was released from Dan Mora (who works on Go Go Power Rangers) of Kimberly, Zack, and Billy up against the villainous Eye Guy.

Unfortunately, the Kickstarter is closed, but if you missed out on it like me, I’m sure it will be run again or go into a more regular production cycle to sell in friendly local game stores. Were you able to back this fantastic looking project?

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