Zoe Kravitz Watched the Movements and Fights of Cats to Prepare for Catwoman in THE BATMAN

Zoe Kravitz is gearing up to play Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman, in the upcoming Matt Reeves-directed film, The Batman. Kravitz is not the first actress to take on the role, as we can remember Michelle Pfeiffer, as well as Halle Berry and Anne Hathaway playing Catwoman in their own styles. So just like the list of actors who have played Batman in their own way, Kravitz had her work cut out for her to make the character her own.

In a recent interview with Empire, the actress talked about preparing to take on Catwoman, saying:

"We watched cats and lions and how they fight and talked about what is actually possible when you're my size, and Batman's so much stronger than me. What is my skill? It's being fast and tricky. So we did some really interesting floor work that incorporated different kinds of martial arts and capoeira and a kind of feline, dance-like movement."

She went on to talk about where the character is on her journey in this film, saying:

“This is an origin story for Selina. So, it’s the beginning of her figuring out who she is, beyond just someone trying to survive. I think there’s a lot of space to grow and I think we are watching her become what I’m sure will be the femme fatale.”

I think Kravitz was inspired casting, and I believe she will show us a very cool new side of this character who we don’t really know yet.

The Batman hits theaters on March 4, 2022.

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