17 More ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT Episodes in Development
It looks like producers Brian Grazer and Ron Howard aren’t done with Arrested Development yet. In fact, according to Grazer, there are 17 new episodes in development! In a recent interview with Bill Simmons on the B.S. Report podcast Gazer said,
"I love Arrested Development, but it was never a huge thing. But people are loyal to it. We're going to do another 17 episodes, so stay tuned for Arrested Development."
That’s pretty radical. He didn’t offer up any other details on the series, and there’s no word on if Netflix will be involved again, but I imagine that will be the case. Netflix brought back the series for a fourth season in 2013 after it had been off the air for seven years. It consisted of 15 episodes, and creator Mitchell Hurwitz said that it was just the start of something more. He told KCRW,
"[It] was always designed to be the first act of this movie, three-act structure — or trilogy, when I was trying to make it as a movie trilogy. Without question, I love these characters and I love these people, and it would be just a privilege to do more of them or to make a movie, but we're not there yet."
I think I enjoyed the fourth season more than a lot of other people did, so I’m looking forward to more Arrested Development hilarity. I assume everyone involved with the series will be back to reprise their roles, but we'll just have to wait and see how things unfold.