James Cameron's 'Avatar' movie T-Shirt art

Venkman here with some t-shirt art representing James Cameron's next film 'Avatar'. I am not sure this is incredibly exciting or not. Sure! I'm excited for the movie! But this T-shirt art really doesn't get me excited about it at all. I mean, its a t-shirt. How much information can you put on a t-shirt? All it has on it is a silhouette of one of 'Avatars' Na'vi creatures. It gives you an idea of the shape of the thing. Maybe they will hand some of these out at Comic-Con, who knows. I am really stoked for this movie, but I don't think the shirt is even close to a tease. When James Cameron is ready to start showing the fans REAL art and movie teasers I will get that crazy geek feeling inside. From what marketsaw says these t-shirts were raffled off to various crew members, by actor Sam Worthington. But here are the pics of the shirt if you want to check em out, which I found over at marketsaw