Inside Look: Special Effects of Benjamin Button

by Joey Paur

David Fincher is known to use the wonders of technology to perfect his films and techniques in filmmaking. After seeing all the special effect shots done in his 'Zodiac' film I could wait to see what he had to do to pull of what he did for 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'. After watching the behind the scenes look posted below I realized that there are only a couple things Brad Pitt had to do for this role, he lent his voice and facial structure to the character. Then he had a few real life scenes in the movie.  It seems a website has been set up called The Science Behind the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, a site that reveals how all the special effects in the film were conceived and accomplished.

I think the site has been developed to let members of the Academy in on these special effects secrets for a chance to get their votes. The site is password protected and, unfortunately, the password has been locked, but Rope of Silicon got one of them, that we have embedded below for you. Check it out, it's pretty interesting stuff. I can't wait to see more! I look forward to an in depth FX special feature on the DVD.

So let me ask you this. Should Brad Pitt be nominated for best actor even though it looks like the computer may have done the majority of the work? I need to see more.

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