George Lucas To Remake RETURN OF THE JEDI in CGI!?
Really? You have got to be kidding me. News has hit today the Mr. George Lucas will completely remake 'Return of the Jedi' in CGI. It won't be like his cartoon animated series though. He plans on using motion capture technology, and much like what they did with Benjamin Button and the CGI old man head special effects they will use to recreate the entire cast they way they looked when they made it the first time around. So Industrial Light and Magic wants to make real looking CGI actors. Sounds pretty freakin cool to me if they can pull it off! Apparently George Lucas was never really happy the last film and they had to compromise a lot of decisions because of budget and technical restraints at the time. Lucas says:
Going back and telling the story of Aaikin Skywalker and how he became Darth Vader is something I always intended to do. At one time we thought about doing three more Star Wars films that take place after Return of the Jedi, but realized that Return of the Jedi was the definitive ending for the series, although I never was happy with how it ultimately ended up. We originally wanted a planet of Wookies instead of Ewoks but we didn't have the budget at the time. So that is one thing I would like to change.
I think most of us have heard about the planet of Wookies before. I always thought that would have been way cooler to see so it looks like we will get out chance. Lucas continues:
There are a couple more story aspects I want to go back and change as well. There are just so many things that I wish we would have done differently for that movie, and the way technology has advanced we can now go back and recreate everything.
We all know that is something George loves to dabble in, is the new and incredible film technologies that his people help develop.
I am currently rewriting the original script and our effects team is already working on bringing Luke SkyWalker and Han Solo back to life using the likeness's of the original actors so we wont recast Harrison Ford we will just have to make a CGI character of Han Solo the way he looked when he filmed the original Return of the Jedi.
Lucas is probably going to screw this up. Seeing what he can do with the visual effects will be awesome! But story wise I'm not sure what he really has planned in the changes he want's to make, he didn't really go into detail. He did really impress us with his Star Wars Prequel films. He does go on to say that:
Mark Hamill and I have talked and he will return to lend his voice to Luke Sywalker.
He didn't say anything about the other actors but we have a early digital rendering of What Luke Skywalker might look like below.
The Story above is Completely False but I just had to do it :)