The Tarantino Mixtape Video
I've noticed that there are several people out there that do not like Tarantino's movies. I am not one of them. Quentin Tarantino is a guy that loves movies just as much as any of us do. The guy worked in a Video Store before he wrote and directed his first film. He worked has ass off to get to where he is at in the business. On top of that he has made some classic movies! I think he is a great filmmaker and he has fun doing what he does. I think his next film 'Inglourious Basterds' will end up being his best.
Eclectic Method has put together 'The Tarantino Mixtape' which is pretty much just a mix tape of all Tarantino's movies. This video is actually up for a Webby Award. Enjoy the mixtape below!
Eclectic Method - The Tarantino Mixtape from Eclectic Method on Vimeo.