ARTIST ON ARTIST - Quentin Tarantino & Eli Roth

by Eli Reyes


It always makes me sad to see pointless viral videos get more views than something like this. But it happens every minute, of everyday.

Here's another great Artist on Artist interview from MySpace. These are great segments featuring actors, musicians, writers... basically every artist from every medium, getting to talk to one another about their craft.(Think a hipper more digestible version of Econoclast, or at least more accessible version.)

This one features legendary writer/director Quentin Tarantino, and writer/director Eli Roth talking about their new film Inglourious Basterds. Watch as they sip wine, and are uncharacteristically laid back  as they discuss some of the hurdles of constantly having to reinvent yourself, and how they infiltrated their own movie premiere.

Check it out and let us know what you think!

For my full spoiler-free review of Inglourious Basterds, Click Here.

And be sure to check out our Interviews with Basterds Eli Roth and B.J. Novak... with more to come!

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