Will Smith and M. Night Shyamalan Join Forces to Bring Us ONE THOUSAND A.E.
M. Night Shyamalan has found a new project to work on, with Will Smith's production company Overbrook, called One Thousand A.E.. I know that MNS has had really big success and really big failures, so I don't blame you for tuning out the minute his name is brought up. I, in the past, have had my fair share to say about the films brought to us MNS, but I always try to find the positives in his work before it comes out. Because in Hollywood, you never know what is going to appeal to the masses.
Much like other projects MNS has worked on this film is shrouded in mystery. Hollywoodreporter.com does let us know that this film will be a vehicle for Jaden Smith. They also inform us that MNS is not writing this film. This could be a really good sign because the writer of The Book of Eli, Gary Whitta, will be putting pen to paper for this script. As we find out more, we will bring it to you. Until next time, let us know what you think?