Syfy Gives CAPRICA It's Frakkin Pink slip?
One of my favorite shows just got the boot! Syfy has cancelled Caprica after only half a season run. Just a few days ago we posted news on the BSG prequel that will follow a young Adama in the first Cylon war and I wonder if this had some influence in the matter.
Caprica is a very well written show but has very little action which I personally think that's what the fans want. I have to have my weekly dose of Alessandra Torresani so what now Cylons?
Here's some tweets from Syfy SVP Craig Engler;
Unfortunately, despite its obvious quality, Caprica has not been able to build the audience necessary to justify a second season.
The remaining first run episodes of Caprica will be removed from the schedule as of next Tuesday, November 2
The final 5 eps will be re-scheduled to air at a to be announced time in the first quarter of 2011, & will conclude the run of the series.
Thanks again to all the awesome fans who watched and supported the show, and to the AMAZING cast and crew.
Well there you have it, Caprica is frakkin cancelled!