HumorVideos by Joey Paur

I just think it's great that there are people out in the world who take the time to create things for other people's enjoyment– like this great Groundhog Day video remix by YouTube user HomeStarRunnerTron. He didn't get paid to make this video for us, it was what he calls a, "maddening a labor of love."

Groundhog Day is a great comedy, and for those of you that have enjoyed watching that film over the years then this is something you have to see. It's not easy creating something like this, and it turned out to be very charming.

Here's a note from the creator:

This has been one maddening labor of love for me. This is a remix of a movie that has been near and dear to be since around Third Grade– the 1993 romantic-comedy-fantasy classic, Groundhog Day! It’s comprised entirely– and I mean entirely out of small bits and pieces of the movie, either re-pitched, slowed down, sped up, and sometimes with a slight touch of auto-tune for good measure (or a lot of auto-tune to re-configure chords in some score samples). The piece is completely inspired from my love of all things Pogo (aka the genius remixer from Perth), as well as just my affinity for music itself. I readjusted Jack Conte’s VideoSong medium to show every single one of the parts sampled. I tried to make this song a sweeping medley of emotions, quite in the same way the movie itself is! I do so hope you enjoy its whimsicality. *grins* It’s quite a smorgasbord of sight and sound. Am I right or am I right or am I right or am I right?

Watch the video below and tell us what you think! I hope you enjoy it!

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