Kevin Smith Committed To March Release of RED STATE

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When we posted the Red State teaser trailer yesterday, we pointed out that the trrailer ends with the by listing a “March” release. This was funny seeing as how it had yet to secure distribution. It has been announced that Kevin Smith plans to auction off the movie to the highest bidder immediately after it's premiere at the Sundance Film Festival.

Many people were quick to ask Smith on Twitter if the film would indeed be relased in March. Here is Smith's response via a tweet:

Via @ToastedSchizo “So ballsy of you to put ‘March’ at the end without a distrib.” JFK told a story about his Grandfather, who grew up in Ireland. Walking home from school, there was this long, high stone wall that – if gotten over – halved the time it took to get home. One day JFK’s grandfather threw his cap over the wall – knowing if he came home without the cap, he’d be bitch-slapped. To fully motivate himself to do something difficult, he committed – to a risky degree. Tagging that trailer with March was me throwing my hat over the wall. #FuckWaiting

This is definitely a ballsy move on Smith's part, but from the looks of the film it should have a line of people wanting to buy it at Sundance. Lets see if the distributor that actually buys the film will indeed release it then or now.  

What are your thoughts, are you as excited to see Red State as we are?

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