SPIDER-MAN 3D Reboot to be shot with the EPIC RED Cameras

TechMovie by Joey Paur

If you recall, Peter Jackson recently revealed that he would be shooting The Hobbit films in 3D using the new EPIC RED cameras. With its smaller size and lighter weight, the camera allows for more efficient production schedules and better usage. Today it's been revealed that Sony Pictures and director Marc Webb are also using the EPIC RED cameras to shoot the new Spider-Man 3D reboot. 

The film actually started shooting yesterday with the cameras. According to engadget, "John Schwartzman, the dude responsible for filming the whole thing, has been extolling the virtues of using such fancy gear over on the RED forums, which is also where he promises his crew will be making further comments detailing the user experience." SO make sure to check the RED forums if you're interested in how these cameras perform. 

This RED Camera technology is the future of filmmaking, and it will be cool to see what these films end up looking like on the big screen. 

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