WATCHMEN 2 is one step closer to becoming a Reality

Comic Book Watchmen by Joey Paur

This is most definitely one of the most ridiculous things I've heard in a long time. There has been a great deal of discussions revolving around Watchman and the fact there there is no way in hell a sequel would ever be made. The person who would try and do that would have to be one the dumbest person on the face of the earth, right? Well, apparently there is a person out there that has no problem with trying to do the unthinkable, and that's expand on the Watchmen story.

I really enjoyed Zack Snyder's film version of Watchmen, I don't think it could have been done any better. But no matter how good the movie was, the idea of a sequel just seemed like a joke. Hell, it still is a joke! But during that time leading up to the movie, Watchmen became DC's best selling comic book of all time, which means there's a huge market for it.

Word on the street is that DC Comics Publisher and President Paul Levitz was the guy who was doing everything he could to prevent any kind of Watchmen sequel or spin-off projects. He believed that doing anything like this would go against everything that Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons believed in, that it would cause very bad feelings in the creative community, and would be a creatively bankrupt move.

Paul Levitz has since stepped down from DC Comic President and Publisher and now Dan DiDio the SVP-Executive Editor for DC Comics is determined to push not only a sequel to Watchmen, but a multiple prequel comic book miniseries and other spin-offs to his new bosses. This has been a project he's been dedicated to for some time now, and he's now taking the opportunity to strike, and strike soon. 

Bleeding cool reports the following:

I understand that both Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons have to be offered first refusal before any of these titles could be published. But if they don’t want to work on them themselves (and Alan Moore is never going to agree), DiDio has been sounding out people who might be willing to take on the task.

While some creators are reticent, the argument goes if there are a number of Watchmen spinoff projects, any blame or shame can be spread on many shoulders. The sales are expected to be massive, whatever the hardcore fanboy reaction and such expected sales benefits will be shared amongst the creative teams.

With Levitz out of the way from protecting the integrity of this comic book, it looks like there is a strong possibility that the Watchmen stories will be expanded. I don't care if they are expanding it in the form of comic books, comic books lead to films and if this actually does take off I don't doubt that we'll end up seeing another Watchmen movie in the future. I would probably be OK with this if Moore and Gibbons came back to do it, but I seriously doubt they will.

This whole thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

What do you all think of the story of Watchmen being expanded into a sequel/prequel comic series?

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