New Details on Chris Pine's Jack Ryan Film
We haven't heard much about Paramount Pictures' new reboot of the Jack Ryan franchise since Chris Pine was cast as the title character in a role that's been played by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, and Ben Affleck. Parmount brought in Adam Cozad to rewrite a script written by Hossein Amini. We knew that the film would be more of an origin story of the famous character brought to life by Tom Clancy, and that the story would focus on Ryan while he's working on Wall Street. Now a few more details have been revealed that we can share with you. Pajiba reports,
The movie will pick up with the Jack Ryan not long after his stint in the Marines, before he’s joined the CIA, while he’s a Wall Street stock broker, an occupation that will play heavily into the script. In the Clancy novels, Jack Ryan was a successful financial analyst in Baltimore for Merrill Lynch. In the new movie, he will have transplanted to Moscow to continue his financial advising, not for Merill Lynch (which has been absorbed by Bank of America), but for a billionaire employer. It is that billionaire employer who eventually sets Jack Ryan up to take the fall for terrorist plot designed to collapse the U.S. economy. After that, Ryan must race against time to clear his name, reveal the terrorist plot, and save his wife, who has been taken hostage by the billionaire employer.
There is a strong possibility that the story for this new movie comes from an unrelated script written by Cozen called Dubai. The script was sold to Lorenzo Di Bonaventura back in 2007, Bonaventura is also producing the new Jack Ryan film. The script for Dubai sounds much like the description of the movie above. The story is about an American economist who moves to Dubai and uncovers a terrorist plot to cover a huge drop in the value of the U.S. dollar, leading to mass starvation. The Dubai script is also essentially a chase movie.
The working title for the new Jack Ryan film is called Moscow. I've enjoyed all of these Tom Clancy films except for Affleck's Sum of all Fears, that sucked. But The Hunt For Red October, Patriot Games, and Clear and Present Danger were all pretty awesome movies.
What do you all think of Paramount's new reboot of the Jack Ryan character franchise?