New Star Wars Animated Series will Focus on Post RETURN OF THE JEDI Stories!
There are several Star Wars books that have been written about what happens after the events in Return of the Jedi, but now we are going to get a new animated series that will move the classic Star Wars story forward with all of our favorite characters.
Lucasfilm Director of Fan Relations Steve Sansweet confirmed this after a fan at the C2E2 convention said that he “would really love to see new adventures after Jedi with our favorite characters Luke, Han and Leia,” Sansweet answered saying “And you will, in the new animation.”
How freakin cool is that! He didn’t really go into much detail, like if the series will be original material or based on the expanded universe, but he did say “not everyone who dies in sci-fi stays dead.” He then added we'll see what he means in 3 to 4 years. Fact of the matter is we are actually going to get to see Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewy in some brand new adventures!
I'm not sure if what he's talking about has anything to do with other Star Wars animated sitcom series being developed by The Daily Show/Frank TV scribe Brendan Hay and developed by Robot Chicken creators/producers Seth Green and Matthew Seinreich. I seriously doubt it, it just seems like the further adventures of Luke, Han and Leia could be a whole awesome series of it's own. I’m sure we’ll find out more about in the near future. We’ll keep ya updated!
What do you think about a new animated Star Wars series that will continue the adventures or our favorite characters?