Beautifully Animated Short Film MEET MELINE

Hey Gang! I have a great little animated short film to share with all of you, and it's absolutely wonderful! The short is called Meet Meline, and it was created by a couple French filmmakers, Virginie Goyons and Sebastien Laban. The film was made without a budget and was worked on during the nights and weekends.

This is a beautifully animated short that is full of magical childlike imagination. I loved this short and I think you will too.

Meet Meline tells the story of a little girl whose curiosity is sparked by a mysterious creature as she plays in her grandparents’ barn.

Check out the the animated short below and tell us what ya think! Thanks to GT reader Johnny B for the tip!



Making of Video - This is a 12-minutes featurette with behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, talks about the story, the characters and the environments, shot breakdowns and much more

MEET MELINE : THE MAKING OF (Sebastien Laban and Virginie Goyons) from Sebastien LABAN on Vimeo.

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