Trailer For the new CGI Animated Film ALPHA AND OMEGA

Yet another CGI animated movie that doesn't look like it will be any good. Lionsgate is attempting to jump in of the CGI animated 3D movie bandwagon, unfortunately this film they developed called, Alpha and Omega, doesn't look like it's going to be a hit movie. 

The story follows the adventure of two mismatched wolves that are thrown together by circumstance who are trying to rejoin their pack. The film has a decent cast of voice talent which includes Justin Long and Hayden Panettiere as the two main characters. The supporting cast includes Christina Ricci, Danny Glover, Dennis Hopper, and Larry Miller.

The success of this film depends on how well the movie is marketed. We've all seen low budget CGI films come to theaters that fail miserably because the marketing campaign behind it sucked. This is obviously a kids film, and I'm sure most kids will enjoy it, but they got to try and win the hearts of the parents to take their kids out to see the movie. And being a parent, there's no way in hell I'm dropping $20 bucks a ticket to see this movie in 3D with my kids. They can wait for it to come out on DVD. If the marketing campaign is good though, the kids will beg and plead with their parents to take them to see it, they will cry and throw tantrums, so in the end they parents will take their kids to see the movie just to shut them up. 

Check out the trailer below and share you thoughts in the rant back section below!


<a href="" target="_new" title="Exclusive: 'Alpha and Omega' Trailer">Video: Exclusive: 'Alpha and Omega' Trailer</a>

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