MEN IN BLACK III To Be Released in 2012
Recently director Barry Sonnenfeld confirmed that Will Smith will be back for Men in Black III and that of course the film would be shot in 3D. Now Sony Pictures has set the release date for the film at May 24th 2012. That is the same summer that The Avengers, Battleship, Star Trek 2, Spider-Man Reboot, and Batman 3 are supposed to come out. Sounds like a freaking great summer of movie love!
So far Smith is the only actor that has officially signed up for the film, and that Sony is still in talks with Tommy Lee Jones and Josh Brolin. Special Effects artists Rick Baker is already hard at work designing some new alien creatures, and David Koepp is currently polishing up the script.
I wish I could be more excited about this movie. I’m sure it will be fun, but I think Men in Black has just lost it’s appeal… for me anyway. How about you?