4 Awesome Character Posters for GREEN LANTERN Revealed!

Hey gang! We got to see some very cool Green Lantern movie footage at Comic-Con this year, the movie hasn't been shooting long, so we didn't get to see as much as we hoped. But, what they did show was pretty awesome! To read more about the Panel and footage description of what we saw Click Here.

So if you weren't able to to get into Hall H, or make it to the convention this year, then this will be your first real look at Mark Strong as Sinestro and Peter Sarsgaard as Hector Hammond in the film. 

Check out the 4 great new character posters, which when put together say, "In Brightest Day,. In Blackest Night. No Evil Shall Escape My Sight."

Hope you enjoy the posters! What do you think of them!?

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