Rumor Control: Looks Like TRON 3 Is Happening....Here's some Teaser Details


Rumor Control: AICN got some cool insider info today from someone who worked on the DVD extras for Tron Legacy about the Tron 3 rumors (possibly an early teaser?) and there's evidence now that makes up at least 3 scenes. Check out the low down from AICN and a few images leaks that only the Tron faithful with go crazy over.

The first scene includes Alan (Bruce Boxleitner) and Ram (Dan Shor).   Turns out that Ram was apparently running the Flynn Lives campaign and he's frantically destroying all of that data and files, as Alan confronts him.   Dan says, "Why did Kevin give you the cool name" So it's kinda cool how Flynn named him Ram and all, huh computer geeks! 

Another scene has Quora showing up to ENCOM and getting hit by the press because she's riding Sam's Ducati. Quora tells them that she just spoke with Kevin Flynn, yesterday! 
The last scene that was shot in this extra shoot involved text screens where you see the Father & Son. The Dillingers stating that everything is going as planned.   These images should make the die hard fans really happy!

Check out the images!



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