FRINGE Secrets Revealed in Violet Sedan Chair's Seven Suns

MusicTV by Wejo

J.J. Abrams’ creations and viral marketing seem to go hand-in-hand. It’s a safe bet that the majority of those reading this played along with either The Lost Experience or scoured for Cloverfield Clues. Now, Fringe is getting into the fun with the recent release of Violet Sedan Chair’s LP, Seven Suns.

Who is Violent Sedan Chair? They’re a fictional band that Fringe’s Walter Bishop is quite fond of. In the January 21 episode, Bishop will encounter the group’s keyboardist, played by Christopher Lloyd.  The show’s producers decided to hire a band to pose as Violet Sedan Chair and record the aforementioned album, which you MAY be able to find at your local indie record shop.

Each copy of the Seven Suns is unique in some way and contains clues about the show’s plot. If you happen to snag a copy, let us know if you find anything interesting within the lyrics or liner notes!

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