Must Watch: Ultimate Battlefield 3 Simulator
"All except the random glowing body parts of course."
Get ready to watch the coolest s*** you'll never experience. With it's custom "omni treadmill", huge HD screen, infrared tracking Kinect hack, wireless gun, and wait for it...12 paintball tracking devices to make you reconsider running blindly out of cover!
It's like The Gamer, except there's no convicts, bad dialogue, and of course it goes without saying that this doesn't suck.
Watch the video, and if you're lucky enough to be one of those Loyalist countries, you can check out the full episode of The Gadget Show on October 24th on Channel 5...which should make sense to you UK'ers I think? What the hell, you guys don't have different cable providers or something?
Email Me (unless you are some Middle Eastern businessman looking to sell 3rd rate controllers): Twitter: @MickJoest