Bromance Really Shows At The Haunted House

HumorVideosPhotos by Mick Joest

"He's not scared...JUST A CHARGIN HIS LAZER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Haunted houses are the best at showing even the toughest of individuals they still aren't that tough, and what a better way to show this than a photo compilation of some bro's getting the living bejesus (or bebrahman, bebuddha, or beatheist depending on your affiliation) scared out of them at the Nightmare Fear Factory in Niagara Falls, California.

The photo compilation has more bromance than Goodwill Hunting and features an often seen technique in the haunted house circuit, the "train formation". So in honor of the collage you're about to enjoy, might I suggest you click the very sci-fi video below and let Quad City Dj's accompany you on this hilarious set of photos...and next time some buzz cut douche in a Tapout shirt is trying to flex just remember, "I ain't afraid of no bros."

"Times you wish you weren't brave and led the way."

"Cmon ride the train...and ride it. WHOO WHOO!"

"Take note of the dude with the creepy face and where his hands are."

"Not the worst way to prep a punch..."

"Times you wish you weren't brave and led the way part 2."

"Seize the day...bitch."

"This might count as sufficent evidence to place a call to CPS."

"Guys it's ok...clearly she's his side chick."

"I bet he didn't know his dude was rocking sweatpants until that moment."

"Curly's already thrilled he got two of them to coordinate shorts...but this is the icing on the cake."

"The Acapellbros."

"+1 for inviting an opera singer along."

"This is actually the high point of his day."

Email Twitter: @MickJoest

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