Krampus Is Here to Terrorize You for the 25 Posts of Geek Christmas - Day 24

Have you been naughty or nice this year? If you answered naughty, you had better sleep with one eye open because Krampus is here to terrorize you!
Krampus, A Christmas Legend
Krampus Day is associated with Christmas and is a part of Hungarian and Austrian folklore. “Krampus” is from the Germanic word “krampen” which means “claw.” According to legend, Krampus is a demon who travels with St. Nicholas on Christmas Eve, and while Santa delivers presents to the good little children, the cruel Krampus terrorizes bad children with his fearsome presence. Illustrations of Krampus often depict him with a basket on his back (presumably to haul naughty children back to his lair), and a willow branch for swatting.
December 5th is Krampus Day throughout much of Europe, and on the days surrounding Krampus Day, young men dress up in costume and roam the streets in chains, jangling loud, rusty bells, waving willow branches, and frightening children into good behavior before the arrival of St. Nicholas.
I type this as I sit here with my family (a few have been naughty), and I am wondering if Krampus will pay a visit to my house tonight. Have a Happy Holiday from the GeekTyrant team, and enjoy the cool images below: