TREEVENGE - Ring in the Holidays with Killer Christmas Trees!
I know that many of you may have already seen this, but maybe some of you haven't yet. This is an incredibly demented jacked up short film called Treevenge which was directed by Jesse Eisner (Hobo With a Shotgun). I have to warn those of you that if you haven't seen this it, that Treevenge is an extremely violent and bloody film that will shock you. The video is for those of you looking to have a disturbingly fun Christmas.
My question to you is would you rather fight off a horde killer Christmas trees or hang out at your in-laws house all weekend?
Here's the Synopsis:
Treevenge details the experiences and horrifying reality of the lives of Christmas trees. Clearly, for trees, Christmas isnt the exciting peace on earth that is experienced by most. After being hacked down, and shipped away from their homes, they quickly become strung up, screwed into an upright position for all to see, exposed in a humiliation of garish decorations. But this Christmas will be different, this Christmas the trees have had enough, this Christmas the trees will fight back. Treevenge could be a short film about the end of days for Christmas trees, or perhaps, the end of humanity?
Watch the film below and tell us what you think! Merry Christmas!