Joss Whedon To Continue the DOLLHOUSE Story In Comic Book Form!

Joss Whedon will continue the story of Echo (Eliza Dushku) and Dollhouse in commic book form. Whedon along with Maurissa Tancharoen will write the comic book story picking up where "Epitaph One" left off, 10 years in the future with mass imprinting happening.
Dark Horse will release the one-shot in March and will be followed by a mini-series. The one-shot is illustrated by Cliff Richards with covers by Phil Noto and Steve Morris.
Whedon and Tancharoen told CBR this;
"In the additional material, we'll reveal what happens to the established characters in the minicomic when their lives eventually intersect, Probably. That's probably what will happen, though we're scared to say for certain." Following the "Epitaphs" issue and its depiction of the near-future disaster's origins, the writers said that the upcoming "Dollhouse" miniseries "picks up where we left off."
"There is a giant gap between the two timelines, and that's why we're writing the comic -- to fill in some of those blanks, Since we had to wrap up the TV series so swiftly, we were forced to give some of the characters short shrift. This is our chance to give them some more love."
It looks like the stories will focus on "Epitaphs" cast of Mag, Zone, Grif. whe nasked how far they will take the comic book as to how the network makes you hold back sometimes, Whedon responded by saying;
"Our stories are no longer limited by 'budgetary restraints.' Now we can go crazy."
Readers will not see any stories linked to "Epitaph 2" where it shows Echo and Adele DeWitt try to clean up the mess that the Rossum Corporation has made of the world. The writers had this one last thing to add about that;
"That was the end of the series and thus the end of the 'Dollhouse' story, These comics will explore the timeline leading up to that amazing, ingenious finale."
Well, I know there are still some Dollhouse fans out there and you're getting the Dollhouse story continued just like the Buffy fans did.