Early Blu-ray/DVD Art and Release Date for GREEN LANTERN: EMERALD KNIGHTS — GeekTyrant

Early Blu-ray/DVD Art and Release Date for GREEN LANTERN: EMERALD KNIGHTS


Here's the early Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack artwork and release date for Warner Brothers animated movie Green Lantern: Emerald Knights. Yep, we're getting two Green Lantern entries this summer! The animated movie hits store shelves on June 7th.


Warner Home Video has announced DVD ($19.98) and Blu-ray/DVD Combo ($24.98) releases of Green Lantern: Emerald Knights for June 7th. The only extra material on the DVD release will be a Sneak Peek at an upcoming DC Universe animated movie, and a Sneak Peek at "All-Star Superman". The Blu-ray/DVD Combo release will include that, along with a commentary with Dan DiDio and Geoff Johns, 2 featurettes ("Only the Bravest: Tales of The Green Lantern Corps", "Why Green Lantern Matters: The Talent of Geoff Johns"), 2 Pods ("From Comic Book to Screen: Abin Sur", "From Comic Book to Screen: Laira Omoto"), a Green Lantern digital comic, and more.

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