Short Official Plot Synopsis for SUPERMAN: MAN OF STEEL?
A short plot synopsis for Zack Snyder's Superman: Man of Steel has leaked online and it gives us a little insight into what we might be able to expect to see in the movie. This is what The Baseline Studio System list as the official synopsis for for the film...
A young reporter named Clark Kent roams the world covering various news stories. When he is compelled to use his secret powers to intervene in a crisis in West Africa, he returns to Smallville to learn more about his origins and the hero he was born to be.
This is very similar to the plot of the comic book Superman: Birthright which was previously believed to be the plot of the new movie. In that story, Clark Kent is a freelance reporter in his early twenties, covering news stories around the world. At one point he's forced to use his super powers. This results in Kent returning to Smallville to learn more about his alien heritage and make the decision to become Superman.
Now this synopsis could be just a new rumor resurfacing, but Bleeding Cool vouch for this plot summary's accuracy saying,
It looks to me like Warner Bros. registered some details of the film, most likely with casting services who fed it to Baseline, somehow, but have since decided to play coy. I’d be prepared to make a reasonable sized bet on the above being the film’s story.
I don’t think it’s locked, I just like the odds. A lot.
Well, seeing how Snyder is having the cast of the cast of the film read the script in private room under lock and key, I'm not so sure if they would release anything on the films story yet. Sure the studio may have given this summary to some casting services, but that still doesn't mean it's the films true synopsis. They have to give the casting services something, so why just not give them the plot that was previously leaked just because?
Of course there is the chance it could be real, and if it is great! It's not a bad storyline to follow. I guess we won't know until something confirmed is released.