Marvel Superhero to Appear along side Nathan Fillion in CASTLE

Do you watch the TV show Castle on ABC? It stars Nathan Fillion so I don't see why you wouldn't. I enjoy watching the fun detective series, and you should check it out if you haven't already. For those of you who do watch the show you will be excited to hear that next season a superhero from the Marvel universe is going to make an appearance. 

ABC President Paul Lee recently had this to say,

You know, I don't know if I'm allowed to say it, but we've got a really cool story line with a Marvel character that appears on Castle this year [...] If you guys haven't seen the finale for Castle from this past season, it's extraordinary. [Castle creator] Andrew Marlow is really hitting his stride. And that was an underrated show that really found its momentum. And there's one episode, and I'm probably giving away a secret and I shouldn't because Andrew is going to kill me, with a Marvel superhero character.

We still have no idea what character will show up in the series, but he went on to say that the character would be a part of the Halloween episode. I hope it's just not a guy in a Halloween costume, I really hope they bring in an actual Marvel character.

I think it's awesome that they are going to combine the Castle universe with the Marvel Universe. This is actually one of the things I was interested in seeing happen since Disney bought Marvel, the integration of Marvel characters in already existing shows. 

What character do you think will popping in? 

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