Bucky Larson Gets 0% From Rotten Tomatoes!
We have a new winner for the lowest score on Rotten Tomatoes...and if you saw the trailer like many of us during the Harry Potter premiere, you probably decided on passing before you wasted the money. Unfortunately for the others who helped Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star open at $1.7 million dollars it's opening weekend, they were not pleasantly surprised on what is being proclaimed one of the unfunniest comedies period.
To be honest, I feel bad for Nick Swardson, but I feel worse for Christina Ricci! I mean c'mon! What happened to her career?! She was in Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, Casper, Monster, then she just decided to say "screw it" to her career at somepoint (somewhere around Black Snake Moan)...end point is I'm disappointed.
Also not to call out RT or anything but they have Tom Brady as the director for Bucky Larson...and I'm like "Oh cool! A director with the same name as the Patriots quarterback" then I clicked it...
Guess we all know who to blame for The Animal too...
Email:MickJoest@Geektyrant.com Twitter: @MickJoest