Eddie Murphy could End Up Hosting the 84th Oscars

For those of you who don't already know for some reason Brett Ratner is producing the 84th Annual Academy Awards. According to Deadline Ratner wants Eddie Murphy to host the Oscars. The director recently worked with the actor on his next film Tower Heist, so they already have a solid working relationship. Murphy is not officially signed on to host yet, there are several steps that need to be taken, but Murphy is the guy Ratner wants, and that's the name he's submitting to Academy President Tom Sherak.

Eddie Murphy used to be a funny guy! I loved his early stand up comedy and his earlier films, but I could care less about what he does these days. It's been a long ass time since he's made a decent film that I've actually laughed in. I think the last film of his that I really enjoyed was Steve Martin's Bowfinger. Maybe this would be a great opportunity for Murphy to prove he's still got it... that's if he's still got it.

According to an inside source Murphy would be great for the awards saying, "Nobody knows movies better or is a bigger cinephile than Eddie. Not Brett. Not even Quentin Tarantino. Eddie can quote scenes from every single movie word for word. He can bring all that experience to hosting. Plus he has Saturday Night Live experience before a live crowd. And worldwide the biggest crossover comedians are Will Smith and Eddie Murphy."

Just to put this to rest, I just have to say that I probably know more about movies, and movie quotes than Eddie Murphy, and I'm sure many of you do as well. But I can see why they see him as being a solid host choice.

Apparently there are a lot of other big actors that have approached the other Awards producer Don Mischer saying they are also interested in hosting. Billy Crystal has said recently that he would love to host the Oscars again, and that if he doesn't end up hosting he will be "incorporated into the show in some marquee way." But ratner is only talking to Murphy, and isn't really considering anyone else. 

I'm honestly not sure what I think about Murphy hosting the Oscars. It could be awesome, it could be a complete bomb. I'm just not sure if Murphy can bring the funny anymore. What do you think?


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