Really Cool STAR TREK: U.S.S. Enterprise Haynes Manual!
So when I was browsing over at ThinkGeek I saw this awesome book for sale! Here's a small look inside as well:
Here's the decription for it:
Inside the Enterprises.
The Star Trek: U.S.S. Enterprise Haynes Manual provides in-depth information about these extraordinary ships - from Archer's Enterprise NX-01 to Captain Picard's Enterprise NCC-1701-E. Inside, you'll find histories of each vessel, technical information about their systems, and discussions of key technologies such as transporters and warp-speed travel. Find out exactly what powered these ships, how they were armed, and what it took to operate them. The Star Trek: U.S.S. Enterprise Haynes Manual features newly created artwork throughout, including full-ship cutaways of each Enterprise, key systems, and interior locations, together with detailed new exterior views by one of STAR TREK's original visual effects artists. Oh, and the Star Trek: U.S.S. Enterprise Haynes Manual is fully authorized by Star Trek scenic art supervisor Michael Okuda!
Hope this was as cool to you as it was to me!