THE AMERICAN SCREAM Trailer Looks Inside Haunted Houses

TrailerMovie Documentary by

We don't post too many trailers for documentaries on GeekTyrant, but this is definitely one that we made an exception for. Not only does it deal with Halloween, which is fast approaching, but it also gives us an inside look at a unique subject, haunted houses.

The American Scream is directed by Michael Stephenson, who directed Best Worst Movie about the cult horror classic Troll 2. American Scream takes on an equally interesting obsession of design/creating a haunted house for Halloween every October.


Chances are you’ve come across one in your lifetime. Your neighbor may be one. Your co-worker may be one. There could even be one in your family. Sometimes they operate alone and sometimes they involve their loved ones. The moment they wait for is over in what seems like the blink of an eye but there can be months of planning, designing and building leading up to a night of terror. They are home haunters.

Check out the trailer and share your thoughts:

The American Scream generated a bunch of buzz at Fantastic Fest, and opens in limited theaters this month. Does this look like a documentary you would enjoy watching?


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