The Worst Movies of 2012 Review Themselves
Even though 2012 was one of the best years of movies in recent history, it doesn't mean there haven't been a handful of crap, because there was plenty of that as well. Here's a hilarious video created by the gang over at and Next Movie that features these terrible movies reviewing themselves. I don't really agree with most of the films included in the video, but it's still entertaining. What's the worst movie you saw this year?
Joey Paur
Co-Founder / Editor of, and if you haven't noticed I write… a lot. Movies are my passion and I live and breathe all things geek. This site is part of my life's work, it's a part of me. I love what I do, and I enjoy sharing everything I can with you when it comes to movies and geekery. In my spare time I travel to the netherworlds to battle demons. @JoeyPaur |