TrailerMovie by

Here is the first teaser trailer for Starship Troopers: Invasion, the new CG animated movie directed by Shinji Aramaki. The video from IGN (via FirstShowing) gives us a quick peek of this animated sequel. 

Here is a synopsis:

The story centers around two teams of Roughnecks: the Alpha 1 team embarking on a mission to rescue the distant outpost Fort Casey and the K-12 team already stationed at Fort Casey. The two war-depleted squads must band together with a common objective, but personalities and ambition ensure a bumpy ride.

Aramaki is known for directing Appleseed & Appleseed: Ex Machina, as well as a Halo Legends segment previously. Flint Dille (Dragonstrike) penned the script based on Robert A. Heinlein's novel. Invasion is considered to be more of a sequel to the original 1997 Starship Troopers. No official release date has been announced, but it will likely head straight-to-DVD.

Whatch the teaser trailer below and let us know what you think:

Do you think that this film could be better than the seuqels to the original movie?

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