George Orwell's 1984 Being Adapted By Imagine Entertainment — GeekTyrant

George Orwell's 1984 Being Adapted By Imagine Entertainment

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What do George Orwell, Shepard Fairey, and Imagine Entertainment have in common? Orwell's 1984 may be getting a new movie adaptation. Imagine Entertainment (Brian Grazer and Ron Howard) are teaming with LBI Entertainment to develop the project. 

The classic tale is set in "a dystopian society in a perpetual state of war, which in turn leads to a state of paranoia. Propaganda, surveillance, mind control and cult of personality—all concepts seen in totalitarian and fascist states such as Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Union—were taken to new levels in the book, originally written in 1948 and published in 1949." The story centers on "a man named Winston Smith who works for a government branch named the Ministry of Truth, where he alters facts and histories but secretly harbors desires of rebellion (as well as desires of a forbidden love affair). The ideas in the novel became hugely influential in the worlds of politics and art, with the author’s name eventually becoming an adjective (Orwellian)."

Fairey is best known for his amazing street art and for creating the Barack Obama "Hope" poster. He fits into the equation because he was instrumental in bringing the project to Imagine and LBI. Fairey found out that Imagine was pursuing Orwell's estate for the rights to 1984 and discovered that LBI was also pursuing the rights. Imagine and LBI paired up, and Fairey may take on a producer role. Writers are currently being sought to craft a take on it before it heads to a studio.

1984 has been adapted several times in TV and movies, with the last being Michael Radford's version starring John Hurt, Richard Burton, and Suzanna Hamilton. I think that the story is prime for a new update, and I look forward to seeing it in theaters. I don't blame Fairey or LBI for joining with Imagine. When a company that has Howard and Grazer's track record is interested, it makes sense to let them take the lead. I enjoyed the novel and am looking forward to seeing how this new take shakes out.
Do you think that the novel will be good for a new adaptation?
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